La Tartiflette

La Tartiflette

Alsatian foods get all the attention, tarte flambé, choucroute garnie, potatoes rösti and let’s not forget… one of my favorite wines, Riesling.

But the under the radar recipes from La Haute Savoie are a #gem that *need* to be discovered!!  Dishes based on #cheeses made in the Alps, #mountaincuisine is la cuisine Savoyard, made with cheeses like Reblochon, Raclette, Tomme, Beaufort and Abondance, to name a few…

Stick to your ribs kind of foods for cold days, French #comfortfoods that are anything but dietetic and #ohsogood !!!

We came away with a taste for Tartiflette this summer, especially @jtoeman who fell 🥰 (I think for the second time?) This is an unconventional version, due to circumstance, a new #tartiflette recipe that I’ve named #fauxflette :). Traditionally made with lardons which imparts a smoky, meaty and a quintessential French flavor, I made this one with hot smoked salmon from @hudsonvalleyfisheries . We don’t do pork in our house, so I deemed this an acceptable concession. My second came in the form of #cheese which was a big NO-NO. I mean seriously, the dish is basically *all* cheese and #reblochon is the ⭐️ but what’s a gal to do when she lives in Westchester and there is NO reblochon to be found?!! 😢😭 I substituted with a washed rind cheese from @jasperhillfarm in VT. Moses Sleeper was a very good substitute in size and taste and it’s excellent on its own,…. inauthentic but absolutely #delicious #local #newyork #tartiflette #recipe 🤗😋🥰🤗😊🔥😋⭐️

2 onions, sautéed
6 potatoes, cubes and boiled
200g Lardons or hot smoked salmon
A whole Reblochon or Moses Sleeper
Cracked pepper
Bake at 400deg until bubbling
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